quarta-feira, 11 de setembro de 2013
A professional mathematician sent me some web
addresses to contest the claim that I created the first rule of divisibility by
7 of the History of Number Theory. Now it is time to analyze the non-rules of
divisibility by 7 mentioned in those web addresses and some others that were
not mentioned.
I repeat: I have been trying to create a real
rule of divisibility by 7 since the beginning of the 1990’s and I saw a great
variety of procedures that are not real rules of divisibility by 7 according to
the definition of “divisibility rule” mentioned by Wikipedia:
My search was not continuous. It was
intermittent and sometimes I abandoned it. However, after approximately 15
years of search, in 2005, I created my first method that I made public through
a web site that is inactive now. In the same year, naming it as “Moura Velho
Method” I created the first rule of divisibility by 7 that fits into the definition
of divisibility rule.
N = 389,613; SP = 5 . 3 + 4 . 8 + 6 . 9 + 2 . 6
+ 3 . 1 + 1 . 3 = 15 + 32 + 54 + 12 + 3 + 3 = 119
7|119 and 7 |N; Pascal would repeat the
application of his criterion to confirm that 7|N:
2 . 1 + 3 . 1 + 1 . 9 = 14.
Pascal’s criterion for divisibility by 7 does
not fit into the definition of “divisibility rule” because its application is
very slow. References to Pascal’s great efforts to create a rule of
divisibility by 7 may be found in the “HISTORY OF BINARY AND OTHER NONDECIMAL NUMERATION”
written by Prof. Anton Glaser that may be accessed through this web address:
Many experts mention the procedure created by
Pascal but they rarely mention his name. One of the addresses sent to me by the
professional mathematician shows the application of Pascal’s criterion for
divisibility by 7 without mentioning the name of the famous French
Pascal’s criterion is cited in one of the
addresses sent to me by the professional mathematician initially mentioned.
That is the reason why I started my analyses by Pascal’s criterion that
certainly does not fit into the definition of divisibility rule.
N = 389,613; 389,613 ─ 63 = 389,550; 389,550 ─
1050 = 388,500; 388,500 ─ 10500 = 378,000;
378,000 ─ 168,000 = 210,000; 7|210,000 and 7|N
N = 389,613; 38 96
13 → 3 2 6 → 6
23; 6 5 → 56; 7|56 and 7|N
3 2 6 from (38 ─ 3) (98 ─ 96) and (13 ─ 7) →
inversion to 6 23
6 5 from (6 ─ 0) and (28 ─ 23) → inversion to
It reaches the correct result but I consider it
complicated. See it in details accessing:
N = 389,613; ( ─ 13 mod 7 + 9) ≡ 3 → 3836; ( ─
36 mod 7 + 3) mod 7 ≡ 2 → 28; 7|28 and 7|N
It is very easy to apply my best rule entirely through
mental calculation.
Now is the time to address other procedures used
to test the divisibility of a number by 7 that were not mentioned to contest my
There is one procedure that performs the
algebraic sum of the numbers formed by the blocks of three digits of a number
alternating the signs plus and minus applied to each block. If the result is a
multiple of 7 then the tested number is a multiple of 7.
N = 389,613; 613 ─ 389 = 224; sometimes the
result is a three-digit number and the solution needs an additional work. If N
is larger, the application of the procedure is even more time-consuming.
This procedure cannot be considered a rule of
divisibility by 7 because its application is very slow and it does not fit into
the definition of divisibility rule.
Better than this procedure is my simplest rule
(see the post). It is simpler and quicker than the procedure under analysis
with one advantage: if 7ƗN, its result in modulo 7 is equivalent to the
remainder of N divided by 7.
N = 389,613; ( ─ 38 mod 7 + 61 ) mod 7 ≡ 2 the
( ─ 9 mod 7 + 3) mod 7 ≡ 1 the ones → 21; 7|21
and 7|N
There is a procedure that consists of
successively multiplying by 3 the first digit of N and adding the result to the
next digit. The first digit is eliminated and the new first digit is submitted
to the same procedure until the penultimate digit is reached. If the last
two-digit number is a multiple of 7 then N is also a multiple of 7. Otherwise,
the last two-digit number in modulo 7 is the remainder of N divided by 7.
N = 389,613; ( 3 . 3 + 8 ) mod 7 ≡ 3 → 39,613;
( 3 . 3 + 9 ) mod 7 ≡ 4 → 4,613;
( 4 . 3 + 6 ) mod 7 ≡ 4 → 413; ( 4 . 3 + 1 )
mod 7 ≡ 6 → 63; 7|63 and 7|N
This procedure is not a rule of divisibility by
the same reasons appointed regarding the previous procedure.
Better and quicker than this procedure is to
deduce the digit that forms a two-digit number multiple of 7 with the first
digit and get a new first digit by adding the deduced digit to the first and
second digit in modulo 7. The procedure must be repeated until the penultimate
digit of N is reached. The last result mod 7 determines if 7|N or the remainder
if 7ƗN.
N = 389,613; ( 6 + 3 + 8) mod 7 ≡ 3 → 39,613; (
6 + 3 + 9 ) mod 7 ≡ 4 → 4,613;
( 1 + 4 + 6) mod 7 ≡ 4 → 413; ( 1 + 4 + 1) mod
7 ≡ 6 → 63; 7|63 and 7|N
There is a procedure that consists of
multiplying the first digit of N by 2 and adding the result to the number
formed by the next two digits. The first digit is eliminated and the new first
digit must be submitted to the same procedure until the antepenultimate digit
is submitted to the procedure. Its application is very slow and so it cannot be
considered a rule of divisibility according to the definition of divisibility
N = 389,613; 2 . 3 + 89 = 95 → 95,613; 2 . 9 +
56 = 74 → 7,413; 2 . 7 + 41 = 55 → 553;
2 . 5 + 53 = 63; 7|63 and 7|N
The use of Modular Arithmetic turns quicker the
application of the procedure:
( 2 . 3 + 89 ) mod 7 ≡ 4 → 4,613; ( 2 . 4 + 61
) mod 7 ≡ 6 → 63; 7|63 and 7|N
Perhaps this version, created by me, turns the procedure into a
rule of divisibility because its applications is very quick. It may be
performed entirely through mental calculation.
Why did not anybody thought of this before?
This procedure is superior to the experts’
preferred procedure to test divisibility by 7 because its result in modulo 7 is
equivalent to the remainder of N divided by 7 if 7ƗN.
See my post “Applying Pascal’s multipliers” to
know a better and quicker variation of this procedure.
The last procedure I will comment consists of
multiplying the last digit of N by 5 and adding it to the two-digit number
formed by the two following digits to the left. It must be repeated until the
two leftmost digits are reached. Its application is very slow and cannot be
considered a rule of divisibility according to the Wikipedia definition.
N = 389,613; 38961 + 15 = 38976; 3,897 + 30 =
3,927; 392 + 35 = 427; 42 + 35 = 77; 7|77 and 7|N
( 3 . 5) ( 6 . 5) ( 7 . 5 ) ( 7 . 5)
Better than applying this procedure is to
perform this way: Deduce the ones of a two-digit number multiple of 7 that is
formed with the rightmost digit of N. Add the deduced digit to the two
rightmost digits of N and represent the sum in modulo 7; the result is the new
rightmost digit. Repeat the procedure until N is reduced to a two-digit number.
If this last number is a multiple of 7 then N is also a multiple of 7.
389,613(5); ( 1 + 3 + 5 ) mod 7 ≡ 2 → 38962(1);
( 6 + 2 + 1 ) mod 7 ≡ 2 → 3892(1);
( 9 + 2 + 1 ) mod 7 ≡ 5 → 385(6); ( 8 + 5 + 6 )
mod 7 ≡ 5 → 35; 7|35 and 7|N
I do not remember of any other procedure used to
determine if a number is divisible by 7. If any person wants to contest my
claim presenting any procedure that was not examined in this post, please, let
me know. Especially if the procedure may fit into the definition of
divisibility rule.
segunda-feira, 9 de setembro de 2013
Among the existing procedures to verify divisibility
by 7 of any integer the one most cited by experts may be described this way:
determine if a number is divisible by 7, take the last digit off the number,
double it and subtract the doubled number from the remaining number. If the
result is evenly divisible by 7 (e.g. 14, 7, 0, -7, etc.), then the number is
divisible by seven. This may need to be repeated several times.” http://www.aaamath.com/div66_x7.htm
According to the above-mentioned description, its application demands two calculations (one multiplication and one subtraction) in order to take off successively each final digit of the tested number. It is applied very slowly especially to large numbers. For example, a ten-digit number requires sixteen calculations.
Sometimes this procedure is referred to as a
rule, sometimes as a trick. It is not a rule of divisibility in the strict
sense and much less a trick.
It is not a rule in the strict sense because
the definition of “divisibility rule” includes the adjectives “shorthand”,
“shortcut” or the equivalent. Although it is a mathematical rule because it is
efficacious, it is not a rule of divisibility by definition because it is not
It is not a trick because Mathematics is not
magic. Some experts and tutors present this procedure as a trick and, in order to
keep the mystery, they do not explain why it works; and the “why it works” of
this procedure is extremely primary.
To illustrate what I said let me show the
practice of that procedure and a better alternative:
N = 696,816 696,816
126 ─ 56
696,690 696,760
1,890 ─ 560
694,800 696,200
─ 16,800 ─ 4,200
678,000 692,000
─ 168,000 ─ 42,000
Excluding the zero digits, that took the places
of the final digits removed in the process, the results are 51 and 65 that are
not multiples of 7 and are equivalent in modulo 7; 7Ɨ51 and 7Ɨ 65 then 7ƗN.
I showed two alternatives (none of them is, by
definition, a rule of divisibility by 7) side by side to put in evidence some
1) In a two-digit multiple of 7 the tens are
always the double of the ones.
Examples: 6 . 2 = 12 → 126 and 6 . 2 = 12; 12
mod 7 ≡ 5 → 56; 126 mod 7 ≡ 56 mod 7
9 . 2 = 18 → 189 and 9 . 2 = 18; 18 mod 7
≡ 4 → 49; 189 mod 7 ≡ 49 mod 7
Why to do the multiplication 6 . 2, for
example, if the resulting 12 mod 7 is equivalent to 5 mod 7 that may be deduced
directly and quickly by the elementary 7 times table?
2) Although it puts in evidence the primarity
of the procedure, it is simpler and quicker to use the second alternative: it
is based directly on the 7 times table.
3) I included the zeros to demonstrate that,
opposing some experts’ texts, the process preserves the value mod 7 of the
original number in each step of the process.
4) It is easier and quicker to figure out the
digit of the tens of a two-digit number multiple of 7 instead of multiplying
one digit by 2 before each subtraction. The second alternative involves only
subtractions of one-digit numbers easily deduced.
In sum this rule whose application is extremely
slow consists of successive subtractions of multiples of 7; very rudimental
indeed. It does not deserve the huge amount of papers written by such a great
number of experts. None of these papers ever mentioned the successive subtractions
of multiples of 7! Why not?
I think it is embarrassing that a few professional
mathematicians try to impose and defend mathematical rules that are not, by
definition, rules of divisibility by 7 just because they do not want to accept
the real rules created by me.
My next post will be about another “rule”
mentioned by some experts.
Sometimes this procedure is referred to as a
rule, sometimes as a trick. It is not a rule of divisibility in the strict
sense and much less a trick.
It is not a rule in the strict sense because
the definition of “divisibility rule” includes the adjectives “shorthand”,
“shortcut” or the equivalent. Although it is a mathematical rule because it is
efficacious, it is not a rule of divisibility by definition because it is not
It is not a trick because Mathematics is not
magic. Some experts and tutors present this procedure as a trick and, in order to
keep the mystery, they do not explain why it works; and the “why it works” of
this procedure is extremely primary.
To illustrate what I said let me show the
practice of that procedure and a better alternative:
N = 696,816 696,816
126 ─ 56
696,690 696,760
1,890 ─ 560
694,800 696,200
─ 16,800 ─ 4,200
678,000 692,000
─ 168,000 ─ 42,000
Excluding the zero digits, that took the places
of the final digits removed in the process, the results are 51 and 65 that are
not multiples of 7 and are equivalent in modulo 7; 7Ɨ51 and 7Ɨ 65 then 7ƗN.
I showed two alternatives (none of them is, by
definition, a rule of divisibility by 7) side by side to put in evidence some
1) In a two-digit multiple of 7 the tens are
always the double of the ones.
Examples: 6 . 2 = 12 → 126 and 6 . 2 = 12; 12
mod 7 ≡ 5 → 56; 126 mod 7 ≡ 56 mod 7
9 . 2 = 18 → 189 and 9 . 2 = 18; 18 mod 7
≡ 4 → 49; 189 mod 7 ≡ 49 mod 7
Why to do the multiplication 6 . 2, for
example, if the resulting 12 mod 7 is equivalent to 5 mod 7 that may be deduced
directly and quickly by the elementary 7 times table?
2) Although it puts in evidence the primarity
of the procedure, it is simpler and quicker to use the second alternative: it
is based directly on the 7 times table.
3) I included the zeros to demonstrate that,
opposing some experts’ texts, the process preserves the value mod 7 of the
original number in each step of the process.
4) It is easier and quicker to figure out the
digit of the tens of a two-digit number multiple of 7 instead of multiplying
one digit by 2 before each subtraction. The second alternative involves only
subtractions of one-digit numbers easily deduced.
In sum this rule whose application is extremely
slow consists of successive subtractions of multiples of 7; very rudimental
indeed. It does not deserve the huge amount of papers written by such a great
number of experts. None of these papers ever mentioned the successive subtractions
of multiples of 7! Why not?
I think it is embarrassing that a few professional
mathematicians try to impose and defend mathematical rules that are not, by
definition, rules of divisibility by 7 just because they do not want to accept
the real rules created by me.
My next post will be about another “rule”
mentioned by some experts.
sexta-feira, 6 de setembro de 2013
After I posted my video about the first rule of
divisibility by 7 of the History of Number Theory, created by me in 2005, I
received a few feedbacks from experts on this matter.
I transcribe the following feedbacks I received
from two reputable professionals who occupy important positions in traditional
organizations of the mathematical world that together, congregate more than
800,000 math teachers around the world:
“Thank you!
I have
posted the link on the Facebook Site for …”
This video is very interesting & I enjoyed
watching it. What would be even more
interesting is a video of you explaining WHY this rule works and HOW you developed it. Also, you used several
examples, but that does not prove your rule works. Perhaps with more abstract
mathematics, you could convince more people.
I do not mention their names because it seems they
forgot the experts’ first commandment: “Do not appreciate the work of an outsider
even if you cannot prove he is incorrect.”
My video explaining why my rule works will be posted
There are also a few shy feedbacks like
“Mathematically interesting” or the like.
It seems that the few experts that tried to
deny my claim (“the first rule”) do not know that Mathematics is based on
definitions. The rules they defend do not fit into the definition of
“divisibility rule”: “A divisibility
rule is a SHORTHAND WAY of
determining whether a given number is divisible by a fixed divisor without
performing the division, usually by examining its digits” (Wikipedia).
The expert who apparently is the best in mental
calculation alleged that it takes time to figure out "what digit should I
put here to make a multiple of 7”. Anyone who knows the 7 times table is able
to do this very quickly; like the Brazilian student of the primary school who
tested my rule in 2006.
Another expert
cited these addresses to exemplify the existing rules of divisibility by 7
before 2005:
Anyone can access the addresses mentioned
respective procedures do not fit into the definition of “divisibility rule”.
Of course, when I stated my claim I had already
accessed the mentioned sites (as many others) and concluded that, according to
the definition of “divisibility ruIe”, no real rule of divisibility by 7 had
been created before 2005. The procedures presented in those sites, especially
when applied to larger numbers, are very slow and do not fit into the
definition of “divisibility rule”.
Professional mathematicians know that
mathematical rules used to verify if a number is divisible by other are not
rules of divisibility if they do not fit the respective definition.
There is a paper written by Prof. Bruce Ikenaga
entitled “Divisibility Tests and Factoring” in which the author referred to the
expert’s favorite rule this way:
“It is difficult to factor a large, arbitrary
integer in a reasonable amount of time. You can use simple divisibility tests
like those above to deal with "obvious" cases, but the general
problem is the object of current research.”
I agree with Prof. Ikenaga.
My rules can be used quickly and precisely to
test the divisibility by 7 of numbers of any magnitude.
In my next post I will comment the existing
false rules for divisibility by 7 before 2005; I will explain why they work and
demonstrate why their application is very slow and so they are not SHORTHAND WAYS according to the
definition of divisibility rule.
I will present these rules just to show how my
research provided various possibilities to the creation of numerous quick rules
for divisibility by 7.
Practice turns quick and easy the application
of my rules. At first, as any new knowledge, it may look somehow complicated. Knowing
the multiplication table of seven and having some skill with mental
calculations are the requirements to apply my rules.
Remember that, without success, researchers
have been trying to create a real rule of divisibility by 7 since the beginning
of the first millennium (Talmud) according to the History Of Number Theory.
When I say real rule I refer to a rule that fits into the definition of
divisibility rule according to Wikipedia:
“A divisibility rule is a shorthand way of determining whether a given number is
divisible by a fixed divisor without performing the division, usually by
examining its digits.”
I think that I presented my best rules in my
previous posts and that the explanations of why they work are enough to understand
the “why they work” of the next rules. Therefore, I will present only the respective
algorithm and some numerical examples. If necessary, I will highlight important
Rule 1
N = abc,def → abxc, def
─ ab mod 7 + x + de = de’→ de'f; de'xf; R = ─ de' mod 7 + x
R = ─ de’ mod 7 + x;
if 7|R then 7|N
N = 946,132 → 9456, 132 → 222 → 2242 → 10
─ 94 mod 7 + 5 + 13 = 22; R = ─
22 mod 7 + 4 = 10; 7Ɨ10 and 7ƗN
Remainder: (R mod 7 . 4) mod 7; (10 . 4)
mod 7 ≡ 5 = r (remainder of the division N/7)
The algorithm must be repeated until the last period is reached. It uses repetitively the multipliers 462 to each period of N. It is easy to extend its application to larger numbers.
This rule may be simplified even more:
N = abc,def
( ─ ab mod 7 + x + de ) mod 7 = e' → e'f; if 7|e'f then 7|N
N = 946,132 → 9456,132
( ─ 94 mod 7 + 5 + 13 ) mod 7 ≡ 1 → 12; 7Ɨ12 and r = 12 mod 7 ≡ 5 (remainder of N/7)
In this case the multipliers applied to the 5 initial digits are: 46231.
Rule 2
N = abc.def → aybc, dyef
─ bc mod 7 + a + y + ef; R = ─ ef’ mod 7 + d +
y. if 7|R then 7|N
N = 946,132 → 9146, 1432 → 145 → 1445
─ 46 mod 7 + 9 + 1 + 32 = 45; ─ 45 mod 7 + 1 +
4 = 9; 7Ɨ9 and 7ƗN
Remainder: ─ R mod 7 ≡ r; ─ 9 mod
7 ≡ 5 = r (remainder of N/7)
The algorithm must be repeated until the last
period is reached. It uses repetitively the multipliers 546 to each period of
N. It is easy to extend its application to more extensive numbers.
Rule 3
N = a,bcd
(─ cd mod 7) . 3 + b → ab’; if 7|ab’ then 7|N
N = 946,132
[(─ 32 mod 7) . 3 + 1 ] mod 7 = b’ = 3 → 9463
[(─ 63 mod 7) . 3 +4 = b‘ = 4 → 94; 7Ɨ94 and
r = (94 mod 7 . 4) mod 7 ≡ 5 (remainder of N/7)
Regarding larger numbers the algorithm must be
applied until the leftmost digit is reached.
The procedure to determine the remainder is the
same of a previous rule, already presented, that works with pairs of digits.
Rule 4
N = a,bcd → a,bycd
─ (a + b + y) mod 7 + cd
N = 946,132; 9426132 → 6732 → 67032
─ (9 + 4 + 2) mod 7 + 61 = 67
─ ( 6 + 7 + 0) mod 7 + 32 = 33; 7Ɨ33 and 7ƗN
r = 33 mod 7 = 5 (remainder of the division
The algorithm must be applied repetitively to
four digits each time until the last digit is reached.
The multipliers applied are: 6231. To reach
this conclusion it is necessary some reasoning.
Rule 5
N = a,bcd → a,bxcd
[─ (x + c + d) mod 7 + a] mod 7
This algorithm must be applied from right to
left. In each application, the last two digits must be eliminated.
N = 946,132; 61632
[─ ( 6 + 3 + 2 ) mod 7 + 6] mod 7 = 2 → 9421 → 94421
[─ (4 + 2 + 1 ) mod 7 + 9] mod 7 ≡ 2 → 24; 7Ɨ24
and 7ƗN
r = (24 mod 7 . 4) mod 7 ≡ 5 = r (remainder of
The procedure to determine the remainder is the
same of a previous rule, already presented, that works with pairs of digits.
After I deciphered Pascal's criterion of
divisibility by seven it became very easy to create quick rules of divisibility
by seven. Of course, there are many other rules that I might present, but I
think that the rules already presented are enough to illustrate my discoveries.
In my next post I will comment some feedbacks I
received from professional experts.
quarta-feira, 4 de setembro de 2013
My rule is different
of the known procedures based on the same principle.
This rule is
very simple. It derives from the fact that if 7|N then the alternating sum of
blocks of three digits from right to left are equivalent mod 7.
It is also
versatile and quick. It works for divisibility by 7, 11 and 13.
My rule works
alternating the signs plus and minus applied to the numbers formed by the
digits of the hundreds and the tens of each period of N. The resultant algebraic
sum mod 7 produces the tens of a reduced number derived from N. Regarding the tens, if the first
period of N is incomplete, the procedure starts with the single tens of the
first period or with the hundreds and tens of the second period.
The same
procedure regarding the digits of the ones place produces the ones place of a
reduced number derived from N.
If the resultant
two-digit number is a multiple of seven then N is also a multiple of seven. Otherwise,
the resultant number mod 7 is the remainder of the division of N by 7.
The procedure
uses Modular Arithmetic this way:
N = abc,def,ghi
T1 =
─ ab mod 7 + de; T2 =
( ─ T1 mod 7 + gh ) mod 7 ≡ tens
O1 = ─ c mod 7 + f; O2 = ( ─ O1
mod 7 + i) mod 7 ≡ ones
Example: N =
= ─ 68 mod 7 + 43 = 45; T2 = ( ─ 45 mod 7 + 65 ) mod 7 ≡ 6 = the
Common language: 68 to 70 = 2; 2 + 43 = 45; 45 to 49 = 4;
4 + 65 = 69; 69 ─ 63 = 6
(the tens)
O1 = ─ 1 mod 7 + 9 = 15; O2 = (─ 15 mod
7 + 4 ) mod 7 ≡ 3 (tens)
Reduced number: 63; 7|63 and 7|N
N = 96,461
9 to 14 = 5;
5 + 46 = 51; 51 mod 7 ≡ 2 (tens)
6 to 7 = 1; 1
+ 1 = 2 (ones)
7Ɨ22 and 7ƗN;
22 mod 7 ≡ 1 (remainder of N/7)
I wonder why
nobody has thought in this solution before.
My next post
will be about, mostly as a curiosity, the vast possibilities of creation of
quick rules of divisibility by 7 proportionated by my research.
This rule is
versatile because, changing what must be changed, it also works for
divisibility by 11 and 13. Its application is very quick.
application involves four digits each time. The two final digits are eliminated
and, the number formed by them, is subtracted of the fourth digit from right to
left using modular arithmetic. The third digit remains unchanged.
ALGORITHM: N = a,bcd
N is reduced
to a’b
a’ = (─ cd
mod 7 + a ) mod 7 → if 7|a’b then 7|N
N = 6.832; a’
= ( ─ 32 mod 7 + 6) mod 7 ≡ 2; a’b = 28
Common language: 32 to 35 = 3, 3 + 6 = 9; cast out the sevens = 2
28 is the result.
7|28 and 7|N
For larger
number it is necessary to apply repetitively the algorithm.
N =
( ─ 12 mod 7
+ 8) mod 7 ≡ 3 → 39,943,4
( ─ 34 mod 7
+ 9) mod 7 ≡ 3 → 39,34
( ─ 34 mod 7
+ 3) mod 7 ≡ 4 → 49; 7|49 and 7|N
This rule
works because it applies repeatedly these four multipliers determined by
Pascal’s theorem 2.5: 1546
─ cd mod 7 ≡
6 cd mod 7 ≡ (4c + 6d) mod 7
(1 . a’ + 5 .
b) mod 7 ≡ (1 . a + 5 . b + 4 . c + 6 . d) mod7
If N = 6,832
→ a’b = 28; (1 . 2 + 5 . 8) mod 7 ≡ (1 . 6 + 5 . 8 + 4 . 3 + 6 . 2) mod 7 ≡ 0;
7|0 and 7|N
There is a
practical way to determine the remainder.
Order the
pairs of digits of N from right to left considering as a pair the eventual
leftmost isolated digit.
From right to
left alternate repetitively the digits 421 starting with 1 to each pair.
Multiply the leftmost result by 1, 2 or 4 mod 7 according to the position of
the pair. The product is the remainder of the division of N by 7.
N =
2 1
4 2 1; the result must multiplied by 2 mod 7.
(─ 83 mod 7 +
9) mod 7 ≡ 3
(─ 31 mod 7 +
5) mod 7 ≡ 2
(─ 29 mod 7 +
2) mod 7 ≡ 1
(─ 14 mod 7 +
0) mod 7 ≡ 0 → 06; (6 . 2) mod 7 ≡ 5 = r
In this case
5 is the remainder of the division of N by 7.
procedure to determine the remainder is also based on Pascal’s theorem 2.5.
variation is a little quicker than my first rule.
N = abc,def
Insert “y”
after “c” in a way that 7|cy
Algorithm: S1
= ab + c + y
ab mod 7 ≡ (3
. a + b) mod 7; c + y = 5c
= 3a + b + 5c
─ S1
mod 7 ≡ 4a + 6 b + 2c
Insert “y”
after “f” in a way that 7|fy
S2 = 3d + e + 5f
SP = ─ S1 mod 7 + S2 = 4a + 6b + 2c +
3d + e + 5f
performing any multiplication, it is obtained the equivalent to a sum of
products that apply the multipliers:
462315 just
like my first rule.
N = 946,134
─ ( 94 + 6 + 3 ) mod 7 + 13 = 15 → 154
─ ( 15 + 4 + 2 ) mod ≡ 0; 7|0 and 7|N
To turn this rule even quicker use this algorithm:
N = abc,def
[ ─ ( ab + c + y) mod 7 + de ] mod 7 ≡ e'→ e'f; if 7|e'f then 7|N
N = 946,134;
[ ─ ( 94 + 6 + 3) mod 7 + 13] mod 7 ≡ 1 → 14; 7|14 and 7|N
N = 946,134
─ ( 94 + 6 + 3 ) mod 7 + 13 = 15 → 154
─ ( 15 + 4 + 2 ) mod ≡ 0; 7|0 and 7|N
To turn this rule even quicker use this algorithm:
N = abc,def
[ ─ ( ab + c + y) mod 7 + de ] mod 7 ≡ e'→ e'f; if 7|e'f then 7|N
N = 946,134;
[ ─ ( 94 + 6 + 3) mod 7 + 13] mod 7 ≡ 1 → 14; 7|14 and 7|N
I already
demonstrated in a previous post that this order of multipliers is equivalent to
the application of Pascal’s theorem 2.5.
repetitive use of the additive inverse mod 7 to each sum obtained results in
the alternation of the multipliers (462) (315) applied to the periods that form
In my next
post I will present a simple rule of divisibility by 7 that is not based on
Pascal’s theorem.
segunda-feira, 2 de setembro de 2013
N = abc
l. Insert an “x” before “a” in a way that 7|xa
→ x ≡ 2a mod 7
2. Eliminate “a” and perform the addition S = x
+ bc; if 7|N then 7|S; if 7ƗN then S mod 7 ≡ r (remainder of N/7)
bc mod 7 ≡ 3b + c → S = 2a + 3b + c
If N = abc,def
3. Calculate ─ S mod 7 ≡ 5a + 4b
+ 6c = S1
4. Repeat the initial procedure to “def” → S2
= 2d + 3e + f
5. Perform SP = S1 + S2 =
5a + 4b + 6c + 2d + 3e + f; if 7|N then 7|SP and if 7ƗN then SP mod 7 ≡ r
Without performing any multiplication, the
result is equivalent to a sum of products in which the series of multipliers
applied to each digit is: 546231, that is the same series of multipliers
determined by Pascal’s theorem 2.5.
Regarding large numbers, the repetitive and cumulative
application of the additive inverse modulo 7 to each sum, in the passage of one
period to another, results in the alternation of the multipliers (546) and
(231) exactly as prescribed by Pascal’s theorem 2.5.
N = 94,652,392
─ 94 mod 7 ≡ 4; “4” must be added to the next
Observe that 94 mod 7 ≡ 24 mod 7 → ─ 24 mod 7 ≡
5652; “4” + 5 + 52 = 61; ─ 61 mod 7 ≡ 2; “2” must be added to the next
6392; “2” + 6 + 92 = 100; 7Ɨ100 and 100 mod 7 ≡ 2 = r (remainder of N/7)
Observe that 92 mod 7 ≡ 22 mod 7 → “2” + 6 + 22 = 30 and 30 mod 7 ≡ 2
With practice this rule may be applied entirely through mental calculation.
A quicker version of this rule:
N = 94,652,392 → (4)946,523,920
( 4 + 46 ) mod 7 ≡ 1 → (2)152,392; ( 2 + 52 ) mod 7 ≡ 5 → (3)5,392;
( 3 + 39 ) mod 7 ≡ 0 → 02 = r (remainder of N/7)
In my next post, I will present my best rule of
divisibility by 7 and a variation of my first rule.
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